Being even-handed, the Sapphire GearBox does exactly what it says on the tin, with the minimum of fuss, and succeeds in its remit of enabling a number of IGP-only Ultrabooks/MacBooks to play games that are way out of the reach of the baked-in graphics. It also offers Gigabit Ethernet, multi-monitor capability and USB peripheral/storage support for an easy, single-cable transition between mobile and desktop environments. And it doesn't hurt that it looks good and is priced attractively, too.
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KitGuru says: If you want to go down the external GPU route, Sapphire’s GearBox is a great all-round option. A couple of things could be tweaked for the next iteration, but for £274.99 this is probably the best value eGPU solution on the market right now.
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If you have to choose between gaming on integrated graphics or a hobbled add-in card via Thunderbolt 3, the GearBox looks like an all-star. Just be aware that the reality of its implementation means you’re going to leave a lot of rendering horsepower on the table in exchange for a convenient external connection. And at $259, you’re paying a premium on top of the cost of your add-in board. The alternatives don’t look much better, though. Enthusiasts willing to accept the frame rate hit can expect their best value from an external graphics enclosure like Sapphire’s GearBox.
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